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© MODERN 2014

das Festival für Musik der Gegenwart
2014 liegen die Schwerpunkte auf Georg Friedrich Haas, der Uraufführung einer Sitcom-Oper und den Themen- schwerpunkt "on screen". Einen weiteren Festivalpunkt bildet die Vermittlungsschiene WIEN MODERN Transfer.
Das Festival mit über 60 Veranstaltungen an 19 Spielorten findet von 29. Oktober bis 21. November statt, das gesamte Programm ist ab sofort online unter
impuls academy
9th International Ensemble and Composers Academy for Contemporary Music

Founded by Beat Furrer and Ernst Kovacic impuls, the International Ensemble and Composers Academy for Contemporary Music and Association for the Communication of Contemporary Music has developed into one of the internationally leading institutions in this field within shortly. Instrumental classes and ensemble work, composition classes and special programs such as Ensemble meets Composers, Reading sessions with Klangforum Wien, Open Composers` Pool, electronic and improvisation workshops:...
impuls international composition competition
impuls promotes and supports young composers not only within its Academy, but also through the impuls Composition Competition.
impuls commissions up to 6 new works for ensemble every second year from young composers selected by a jury. Subsequently these composers are invited to take part in the impuls Composition Workshop in Vienna and Graz – where their new works are collectively rehearsed and discussed extensively with musicians of world-class ensembles such as Klangforum Wien – as well as to the premiere of their new pieces within the impuls Academy and Festival in Graz....